吴超,现为Bsport体育在线官网教授、博士生导师;博士毕业于上海交通大学,其后在德国马普固体研究所和澳大利亚伍伦贡大学开展钠离子电池的博士后研究;2017年后组建独立研究小组,围绕高比能金属电池关键挑战展开系统的研究,包括金属电极的界面化学与调控、失效机制、高性能电解液的筛选和合成、固态与准固态电解质的设计和合成、新型正极材料合成与存储机理等;至今,发表 80 多篇SCI论文,总引用超过10000次(Google统计);以第一作者和通讯作者在Angew. Chem., Adv. Mater., Chem. Soc. Rev., Energy Environ. Sci., Adv. Energy Mater., Nano Lett., ACS Nano, Adv. Funct.Mater., Nano Energy, Energy Storage Mater., Infomat, eScience等国际权威期刊发表论文近50篇;曾主持澳大利亚优秀青年基金和国家自然科学基金青年、面上项目以及上海市科委与教委的项目;受邀担任Frontier in chemistry 副编辑,Batteries 编委,Carbon energy、Nano Research 青年编委;长期担任Nat. Energy, Sci. Adv., Nat. Commun., Ange. Chem., Adv. Mater.等国际顶尖期刊的独立审稿人以及澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC DECRA, FT, DP以及LEFT)等国家级项目的评审人。
1. J. Huang, K. Wu, G. Xu, M. Wu*, S. Dou, C. Wu*, Recent progress and strategic perspectives of inorganic solid electrolytes: fundamentals, modifications, and applications in sodium metal batteries, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2023, 52, 4933.
2. H. Liu, X. Zheng, Y. Du, M. Borrás, K. Wu, K. Konstantinov, W. K. Pang, S. Chou*, H.-K. Liu, S.-X. Dou, C. Wu*, Multifunctional Separator Enables High-Performance Sodium Metal Batteries in Carbonate-Based Electrolytes, Advanced Materials, 2024, 36, 2307645.
3. R. He, F. Yu, K. Wu*, H. Liu, Z. Li, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, and C. Wu*, A Dual Organic Solvent Zn-Ion Electrolyte Enables Highly Stable Zn Metal Batteries, Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 60
4. L. Zhao, Z. Hu, Z. Huang, Y. Tao, W. Lai, A. Zhao, Q. Liu, J. Peng, Y. Lei, Y. Wang*, Y. Cao*, C. Wu*, S. Chou*, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, In Situ Plating of Mg Sodiophilic Seeds and Evolving Sodium Fluoride Protective Layers for Superior Sodium Metal Anodes, Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 12, 2200990.
5. G. Wang, M. Zhu, Y. Zhang, C. Song, X. Zhu, Z. Huang, Y. Zhang, F. Yu, G. Xu, M. Wu*, H.-K. Liu, S.-X. Dou, C. Wu*, Double interface regulation: Toward highly stable lithium metal anode with high utilization, InfoMat 2022, 4, e12293
6. K. Wu, X. Shi, F. Yu, H. Liu, Y. Zhang, M. Wu, H. Liu, S. Dou, Y. Wang, C. Wu*, Molecularly engineered three-dimensional covalent organic framework protection films for highly stable zinc anodes in aqueous electrolyte,Energy Storage Mater.2022, 51, 3
7. M. Zhu, X. Zheng, L. Li, X. Zhu, Z. Huang, G. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Liu, F. Yu, L. Wen*, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, C. Wu*, Towards stable sodium metal battery with high voltage output through dual electrolyte design.Energy Storage Mater.2022, 48, 466.
8. Y. J. Zhang, X. Y. Zheng, K. Wu, Y. Zhang, G. Xu, M. Wu, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou and C. Wu*, Nonionic Surfactant-Assisted In Situ Generation of Stable Passivation Protective Layer for Highly Stable Aqueous Zn Metal Anodes, Nano Lett. 2022, 21, 8574.
9. L. Yuan†, J. Hao†, C.-C. Kao, C. Wu*, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, S. Qiao*, Regulation methods for the Zn/electrolyte interphase and the effectiveness evaluation in aqueous Zn-ion batteries, Energy Environ. Sci. 2021, 14, 5669.
10. M. Zhu, L. Li, Y. Zhang, K. Wu, F. Yu, Z. Huang, G. Wang, J. Li, L. Wen*, H.-K. Liu, S. X. Dou, Y. Yan, C. Wu*, An in-situ formed stable interface layer for high-performance sodium metal anode in a non-flammable electrolyte, Energy Storage Mater. 2021, 42, 145.
11. G. Wang, F. Yu, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, M. Zhu, G. Xu, M. Wu*, H.-K. Liu, S.-X. Dou, C. Wu*, 2D Sn/C freestanding frameworks as a robust nucleation layer for highly stable sodium metal anodes with a high utilization,Nano Energy 2021, 79, 105457.
12. Z. Huang, Z. Li, M. Zhu, G. Wang, F. Yu, M. Wu*, G. Xu, S. Dou, H. Liu, C. Wu*, Highly Stable Lithium/Sodium Metal Batteries with High Utilization Enabled by a Holey Two-Dimensional N-Doped TiNb2O7 Host, Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 10453.
13. M. Zhu, Y. Zhang, F. Yu, Z. Huang, Y. Zhang, L. Li, G. Wang, L. Wen*, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, C. Wu*, Stable Sodium Metal Anode Enabled by an Interface Protection Layer Rich in Organic Sulfide Salt, Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 619.
14. M. Zhu, G. Wang, X. Liu, B. Guo, G. Xu, Z. Huang, M. Wu*, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou,and C. Wu*, Dendrite-Free Sodium Metal Anodes Enabled by a Sodium Benzenedithiolate-Rich Protection Layer,Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2020, 132, 6658.
15. G. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Guo, L. Tang, G. Xu, Y. Zhang, M. Wu*, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, C. Wu*, Core–Shell C@Sb Nanoparticles as a Nucleation Layer for High-Performance Sodium Metal Anodes, Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 4464.